Schemes and Programmes

Tutorial Committee

The tutorial committee has been instituted to improve the learning outcomes of students, particularly those students who have backlogs in respective semesters and also students who are in need of assistance and guidance in certain subjects.  Since its inception, the committee has been arranging remedial classes for students with backlogs in both Science and Arts streams. The tutorial classes are conducted a month prior to the commencement of the semester exam.

Mentoring Cell

The mentoring cell constitutes an important initiative of the college to provide guidance and mentorship to the students in the wholesome development of their personality and their overall progression as a student. Under the mentorship program, each faculty member acts as a mentor to five or more students. The mentorship program has worked well since its inception, in providing a more personalized platform  for students to address their problems and challenges as well as enabled the faculty members to keep a tab and monitor the welfare of his/her respective students. Two mentoring sessions are conducted every semester.

Proficiency in English

Proficiency in English is a Choice Based Credit Course offered to the English students. It was introduced in 2016 to improve the students’ communicative skills in English. The enrolled students take up this course in lieu of the EVS paper in the 6th semester paper.

Career Guidance and Counseling Cell

The Career Guidance and Counseling Cell has been instituted keeping in mind the importance of providing guidance and counseling to the students in terms of their career options and job avenues once they passed out from the college. Students are faced with a variety of career challenges. Thus, the objective of the cell is to impart helpful information, guidance and advice to the students in choosing a career path that is relevant for each individual according to their educational background, skills and interest. The cell also aims to provide personal counseling to address problems such as examination phobia, peer pressures, stress, anxiety etc.

 Mushroom Cultivation Vocational Course

Mushroom cultivation vocational course is a three months certificate course which is offered as an add-on course to B.A. & B.Sc students. The course has both theory and practical classes. During their course of training the students gets a hands-on training on mushroom cultivation, regular maintenance work during mushroom growth, harvesting and preservation techniques of mushrooms, packaging and selling of harvested mushrooms.


The centre provides six months vocational course comprising of both theory and practical classes. The objective of the course is to provide technical skills through training in flower cultivation, imparting basic techniques in cultivation of flowers. The course started in May, 2016 as an add-on course.