- 22nd January- Reopening of college.
- 12th-13th February- NAAC Peer Team Visit.
- 18th February- Internal Assessment schedule begins.
- 6th March- Last date for submission of internal marks and attendance to Exam Committee.
- 8th- 12th March- Declaration of result/ filling of examination forms.
- 12th March- PGCSU election.
- 29th March- Parting Social.
- 30th March-4th April- Study leave.
- 5th-24th April- End Semester Exam.
- 2nd May- Result of B.A./B.Sc. 2nd Semester.
- 2nd May- Issue of prospectus and admission forms.
- 3rd-7th May- Admission of old Students.
- 9th-13th May – Scrutiny and screening tests/ New admission.
- 14th May- Orientation Program for new students/Parents.
- 15th May- Commencement of classes.
- 27th May-27th June- Summer Break.
- 28th June- College Reopens.
- 1st July- Last date for submission of Home Assignments.
- 19th July- Fresher’s Day.
- 22nd July- Internal assessment schedule begins.
- 31st Sept.- Last date for submission of Internal Marks and Attendance to Exam Committee.
- 4th to 6th Sept.- Declaration of Results and Filling of Exam forms.
- 5th & 21st Oct.- End Semester Exam of 1st, 3rd& 5th Semesters.
- 23rd to 26th Oct.- Sports Week.
- 6th to 9th Nov.- Results and Admission to 2nd,4th & 6thSemesters.
- 11th Nov.- Class starts for Even Semesters.
- 16th Dec.- 2019-21st Jan 2020 -Winter Break.
Also see Events Calendar for more details.